Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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Each Thursday we'll bring you three sets of before and after images from some very Creative Mextures users along with a special formula created by the Mextures team just for you.  By presenting a side by side comparison of the original images and the images after they've processed with mextures, we hope to educate and inspire.  Below you'll discover both the formula creator and the transformation that the Mextures formula sets in motion.  Import these stellar formulas and congratulate the creator as well!

@_promisejoy - original

@_promisejoy - EIAHCHE

@a_have - original 

@a_have - FPSYKVX

@fridakitten - original

@fridakitten - ASPWMFP

@mextures - original 

@mextures - RHELEZH