For the second half of March we are absolutely giddy with excitement over the opportunity to share 12 photos from the man himself, @tylerforesthauser. Tyler's signature fog-drenched captures and massive FFAs in many ways paved the way for resources like the @mexturescollective. We are furious with anticipation over all of the incredible edits that will come from this round. Make sure to give his account a follow!
We're also beyond stoked to bring you 12 new guest formulas for the round courtesy of @judibooty! Judi has always created excellent color schemes and textures in her Mextures edits so we're happy to be able to share some of them with you. After you import her formulas, make sure to check out her Instagram feed!
You can learn more about the Collective and download the featured pictures to participate in the newest round by visiting the Collective's website!
Featured Photos: @tylerforesthauser
Featured Formulas: @judibooty
Formula Code: AREALVC
Formula Code: DVFCLGB
Formula Code: FTNPIVE
Formula Code: HAQKEWQ
Formula Code: INCTNHP
Formula Code: JPSPABR
Formula Code:PVLSLFR
Formula Code: RDPKACJ
Formula Code: SHFJCMT
Formula Code: VVFQFYR
Formula Code: WZHXCNX
Formula Code: XWUVUBJ
Featured Edit: @bron_gardiner
Featured Formula: IGHXTGD
Featured Edit: @hakemo
Featured Formula: TPHYSAT
Featured Edit: @unworn
Featured Formula: CWATIBP
Featured Edit: urbangypsycreations
Featured Formula: GYUXLTT
Featured Edit: @mind_control_edits
Featured Formula: YZTDNQS
Featured Edit: @dydyorella
Featured Formula: IFGEBCU