Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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With 2017 quickly passing we're already on the third round of the @mexturescollectivethis year!  For the next two weeks we have 12 stunning images from @3jessicaaa!  Jessica captures the state of Colorado as well as anyone and crafts some ultra heavy moody Mextures edits to go along with her images.  After you download her images for your editing pleasure make sure to check out her Instagram feed.  It's beautiful!

The @rsa_mextures team was kind enough to lend their skills by creating all of the guest formulas for this round!  Between @takes_picture@charla_yvonne@snehabhadri, and @midwestbliss, this batch of formulas is insanely fluid and flexible.  Import the formulas and let us and the @rsa_mextures crew know what you think!

You can learn more about the Collective and download the featured pictures to participate in the newest round by visiting the Collective's website!



Featured Photos: @3jessicaaa

Featured Formulas: @rsa_mextures (as credited)

@charla_yvonne - AHDEFAY

@charla_yvonne - MYYHDAW

@charla_yvonne - ZLKBEPX

@midwestbliss - AERTWFR

@midwestbliss - RIQKUDJ

@midwestbliss - YJGQZPM

@snehabhadri - LKGDUKD

@snehabhadri - VDGMCRQ

@snehabhadri - XBYLGFD

@takes_picture - FADGUPL

@takes_picture - GSCJLRB

@takes_picture - ZQNVPGS



Featured Photographer: @vincentcroce

Featured Edit: @benchcrusher

Featured Formula: RDIIJQQ

Featured Edit: @feelitgently

Featured Formula: USHLKET

Featured Edit: @jasonrutel

Featured Formula: SJBGTBG

Featured Edit: @jockes.photon

Featured Formula: DFVKLKT

Featured Edit: @jockes.photon

Featured Formula: DFVKLKT

Featured Edit: @mariahalv

Featured Formula: FQLBPTM

Featured Edit: @wendypaine

Featured Formula: RTRBPSD

Featured Edit: @wendypaine

Featured Formula: RTRBPSD