Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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We have a real treat lined up for the whole lot of you!  12 fresh photos straight from our friend, @vincentcroce!  Vincent captures some of the most awe-inspiring scenery on Instagram and we're honored to partner with him in offering up these photos for your editing pleasure.  Make sure to tag #mexturescollective and @vincentcroce and, of course, share your formula code!

Another chum of ours, @natehill, brilliantly pieced together the guest formulas for this round of the Collective.  Much can be said about Nate but just click the "Follow" button and spend a bit perusing his remarkable work!  We hope his formulas will help inspire you as you create your own take on Vincent's pictures. 

You can learn more about the Collective and download the featured pictures to participate in the newest round by visiting the Collective's website!



Featured Photo: @vincentcroce

Featured Formulas: @natehill

Formula Code: DUYZTTK

Formula Code: CNRSSTN

Formula Code: BYXQZZP

Formula Code: AVKRIGD

Formula Code: HKKWDMA

Formula Code: LWPCQHQ

Formula Code: SZIRINR

Formula Code: IRGWALL

Formula Code: EPCEGKF

Formula Code: VZNDZXH

Formula Code: YCLBISM

Formula Code: XKSDFCT



Featured Photographer: @anna28h

Featured Edit: @donatius

Featured Formula: GNVQXUM

Featured Edit: @fultonhobbs

Featured Formula: ZAYYSRJ

Featured Edit: @hdrfairy

Featured Formula: QKHKYXE

Featured Edit: @mntainwalkr

Featured Formula: YZXWBY

Featured Edit: @mntainwalkr

Featured Formula: YZXWBY

Featured Edit: @nineteen_83

Featured Formula: LAKHYQW

Featured Edit: @priyank.gajera

Featured Formula: LWGIHUT