Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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Another phenomenal selection of photos from a very talented individual - Patricia (@littlesquarelives)!  Patricia’s pictures are beautiful in every way, often accompanied by heavy fog, amazing light, and surreal landscapes.  It really is a privilege for us to be able to partner with her to be able to offer 12 of her outstanding pictures for this round of the @mexturescollective.  We’re genuinely excited to see what comes out of your brilliant minds and stealthy fingers.

As with each round we have 12 guest formulas that may serve as a starting point for your own process.  This round, the great @israelsanchez91 put together some solid edits and formulas just like he always does.  Be sure to check out his work!

Below, you’ll also find four additional edits from the previous round that we absolutely loved but we just couldn’t fit into the Instagram feed.

If you’re interested in participating, head over to the Mextures Collective website, download the pictures, edit as many as you like, and be sure to save and share your formula code so that we can all continue to learn from each other!  Enjoy!

Current Round (August 15th-31st)

Featured Photographer: @littlesquarelives

Featured Formula Creator: @israelsanchez91

Formula Code: MUVQUCI

Formula Code: WKDWGCW

Formula Code: EWJFKCN

Formula Code: FDEWJQY

Formula Code: PIPNFDX

Formula Code: TAVXRJU

Formula Code: DHPKXAG

Formula Code: ZTNHDHI

Formula Code: ZURTDBG

Formula Code: WAYZADI

Formula Code: MXBRDTN

Formula Code: BIAEBPE

Previous Round (August 1st-14th)

Featured Photographer: @haften

Featured Edit: @521gemini

Featured Formula: NJGPIXR

Featured Edit: @eleathar

Featured Formula: FSSWZHX

Featured Edit: @ionsounds

Featured Formula: JVDEZDY

Featured Edit: @jonnyd81

Featured Formula: DVXXVAV