Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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2017 has finally arrived!  As we transition in to a brand new year we're really excited to to offer all of you new photos to create with along with lots more changes to the @mexturescollective.  For the first round of the year we have 12 glorious photos from @anna28h.  Her photos are perpetually stunning and we're confident that between your inventiveness and her lovely photography we're going to see a lot of amazing edits this round!

We also have 12 absolutely brilliant guest formulas created by our friend @loggerhead55!  Susie is always hard at work creating awesomeness through image and these formulas should give you a strong idea of her giftedness.

You can learn more about the Collective and download the featured pictures to participate in the newest round by visiting the Collective's website!


(JANUARY 1ST-14th)

Featured Photos: @anna28h

Featured Formulas: @loggerhead55

Formula Code: FQZFMAY

Formula Code: UJZUTJW

Formula Code: QGXVEGP

Formula Code: KFSZARM

Formula Code: EKMMLRM

Formula Code: GVBGFVI


Formula Code: PZALSLT

Formula Code: QNTCFMY

Formula Code: TNUEKUD

Formula Code: HRLQXXZ

Formula Code: PKZXDBA



Featured Photographer: @mextures

Featured Edit: @emilymkingphotos

Featured Formula: WCZDHBB

Featured Edit: @kevynkurpiers

Featured Formula: WUIKJRD

Featured Edit: @lulutanata

Featured Formula: XHECKQY

Featured Edit: @lvnatikk

Featured Formula: WFDRJKP

Featured Edit: @piercing_blues

Featured Formula: VMGADBV

Featured Edit: @salopalo

Featured Formula: IHFQHNK