Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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Christmas is nearly upon us and once again we've put together something special for the final round of the year.  For this round of the @mexturescollective, the crew at Mextures put together 12 images to share with all of you.  We spent a lot of time sifting through thousands of photos in an attempt to offer all of you some of our personal favorites. 

As the Collective has grown over the last few years, we have found ourselves to be both flattered and fully appreciative of all the truly INCREDIBLE pieces of art that the lot of you have created.  It inspires us and makes us so incredibly grateful to be a part of such an amazing community full of kind and talented people.  Thanks again for participating in the Mextures Collective.  We will continue to provide you with quality images to build and edit with!

You can learn more about the Collective and download the featured pictures to participate in the newest round by visiting the Collective's website!



Featured Photos and Formulas: @mextures

Formula Code: PVJIQVA

Formula Code: ZLPSFAQ

Formula Code: AEEQURB

Formula Code: ZXKZPTE

Formula Code: BCFDVKP

Formula Code: SRKISST

Formula Code: UKDIBGB

Formula Code: MQTMTEF

Formula Code: TZPEJFK

Formula Code: JZLPWKT

Formula Code: TGTIAJH

Formula Code: SCPTTRS



Featured Photographer: @bron_gardiner

Featured Edit: @eleathar

Featured Formula: BXNRZAS


Featured Edit: @hakemo

Featured Formula: QVKBCZM

Featured Edit: @explaur_en

Featured Formula: NFBUVNE


Featured Edit: @tordiskayma

Featured Formula: RUQMWFQ

Featured Edit: @tigerros3

Featured Formula: QGNVQUY


Featured Edit: @jqnv

Featured Formula: IUIVBNP