Mextures - Beautiful Film-Like Overlays and Presets

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Time to introduce you all to a new round of the @mexturescollective featuring photos from @nnnance!  Nancy takes such incredible photos of incredible places and we are so stoked to have an opportunity to create with them and so stoked to pass them along to all of you.  Make sure to to tag us, your formulas and @nnnance in your edits so we can check them out!

Below you'll find all 12 of Nancy's photos edited by this round's guest formula creator, @hakemo.  Rob is one of our favorite artists and we always absolutely enjoy his blends and his formulas.  Take a gander at his formulas and at his feed for heaps of amazing work!

We hope that these formulas will encourage and inspire some amazing formula creation on your part. You'll also find a few of our favorite edits from the previous round below!

You can learn more about the Collective and download the featured pictures to participate in the newest round by visiting the Collective's website!


Featured Photographer: @nnnance

Featured Formulas: @hakemo

Formula Code: LCVBHGR

Formula Code: HKWCXFG

Formula Code: IHBVRVG

Formula Code: IRSQQTD

Formula Code: JXMEKAX

Formula Code: KNDYHYQ

Formula Code: LEMYLKX

Formula Code: LLUFJQY

Formula Code: RHIQAAD

Formula Code: RSJKBLC

Formula Code: YMMQLIQ

Formula Code: ZLAGMMZ


Featured Photographer: @blairfink

Featured Edit: @jasonrutel

Formula Code: XMEVQNR

Featured Edit: @joachim_lindberg

Featured Formula: PLCYABZ

Featured Edit: @tigerros3

Formula Code: UJWMSEE

Featured Edit: @tordiskayma

Formula Code: MXVCNHJ