Some of the most fascinating Mextures edits we discover have been applied to stunning macro work like that of @terri_calico's. Flowers, leaves and water droplets are sprinkled across her feed for us to view and admire. These captures allow us miniature glimpses in to the smallness of that which exists beneath our feet. Terri's fabulous use of Mextures to draw out colors and sharpen reflections has inspired many, including us. We spent some time with her not long ago to learn more. Learn along with us!

I like to consider myself as a gentle, easygoing, kind, warm, fun loving girl. I'm from Sydney, Australia, born and raised. My parents migrated here in the early 70s from the Island of Madeira, Portugal. I'm 40, married 5 years and I have a son called Ethan. He's my main little model on Instagram. I love shooting candid, nature, exploring and capturing Sydney. I also share my Sydney scenic images on my gallery @terri_calico_sydney.

My number one passion is photography. I'm a true photo addict. I'm so grateful and lucky that I get to do it for work as well. I mainly do family shoots and events and the occasional commercial job. I shoot with my cameras - a Canon EOS 500D, Canon EOS M and iPhone with macro click for my macro shots.

I'm also very much in to my health and fitness, I work out at the gym 6 days a week. Fitness is my other passion. I have a page to help those that want to be inspired and motivated to live a healthier lifestyle - @terri_calico_myfitpage.

I'm a simple girl and I love hanging out with my family and close friends.

What is it about photography that is so attractive to you?

As a kid I was always the family photographer by choice! My parents were never much in to taking photos. Their excuse was always that they'd forget so I would take photos at parties and of my little sisters, our pets and the garden. I remember one time getting in to so much trouble because I wasted an entire roll of film on a leaf. I look at most things as a photo and I have the urge to capture the beauty I see. I don't wear a handbag. I wear a camera. If I don't have my camera my iPhone is constantly in my hand. I love capturing those moments that I'll never get again.. I love to reminisce. My obsession is so strong that I have a camera tattoo on my left arm.

How did you first come to use Mextures in your editing process?

I was influenced and inspired by some of my talented Instagram mates. I noticed their amazing edits, asked questions and they got me in to it. I was hooked from then on in.

At first I would edit using a lot of the Grunge filters, but over time I've come to love mood with less Grunge. I guess my editing all depends on my mood.That and, of course, the photo! I tend to stick to my own formulas and maybe tweaking them here and there and on occasion I will create one from scratch.

Tell us about your personal editing process.

All the photos that I think I might post and like are stored in the Camera+ app on my phone (I seriously have thousands in there). When I select the image I want to post I save it onto my camera roll and upload it into Snapseed. There I crop, rotate, fine tune and enhance the image if it needs it and then it's straight into Mextures where I do what I mentioned previously. I usually have a few photos ready to be posted to Instagram on my camera roll. Some evenings I get so engrossed in editing that I edit a handful of photos in one go. Hence why I post so many! On occasion I might run the image through VSCO if I'm not 100% happy with the final edit.

How do you tend to use Mextures?

I tend to stick to my favourite packs, but I do like to experiment at times with the blend modes and I can go a little nuts with the overlays. X-film, intensity, landscape enhance & radiance are my favorite packs but I truly love them all.

You mix a lot of macro work in to your feed. What is it about shooting macro that you really enjoy?

I find that the tiny world of nature is the most beautiful and fascinating. It's a world that most of us never see. I get such a thrill from seeing it up-close. I truly appreciate its beauty. I've got a very speedy hand too so I can lose hours playing around the garden.

So how about formulas? Would you mind sharing a few of your favorites?

Of course!

QTNPWZS - Dancing in the Wind - This would have to be my most used and favourite formula! Works really well with yellows and oranges. I like using this one with my flower photos.

SWPNUKS - Beetle Love - I love the soft moody tones of this formula! This one works well with adding that softness to landscapes.

MBDIFNJ - Sand Dunes - This one’s a little different than my style. I really like it with blue skies. It gives it that pastel feel.

TWWEZNB - Dandy Time - A very dark, moody formula! It really brings out those dandelion wisps giving the photo depth.

FBWDTAM - Making Wishes - Again, a soft moody formula with a bit of Grunge. Adding Grunge I find really gives the image depth.

What have you found most motivates you to continue taking pictures?

Whenever I'm feeling down all I need is my camera and the garden. It's my therapy - my happy place. I know I'll be taking photos for the rest of my life. It's a part of me.

Who are some of the people that have most inspired your photography?

There are far too many people that inspire me in many different ways. Far too many to mention. Here are just a few that come to mind:

I'm smitten with the beautiful work of Mandy Disher Floral Art. Her art truly blows my mind. She is incredibly talented and I just adore her work.

These incredibly talented friends incorporate a bit of everything, just like me. I adore their nature, macro, Mextures, stunning landscapes and their little people - @hihorosie, @orbabgirl, @fourjams.

I totally adore the incredible work of my friends @pickledgoose and @fridakitten. I just love their macro work. Actually everything about their art amazes me.

I adore the work of @figment_hf. There's something about the beautiful tones in his images that just makes me go WOW.

I love the creative work of @natehill and @shadow.boxer. They are so incredibly talented.

These friends inspire me with their incredible adventures and stunning photography. I would love to be able to capture scenes like they do - @jewelszee, @laurenepbath, @kpinko, @gl3no, @leftofthemiddle, @make_imagine, @photogra_fi, and of course the amazing, inspiring, positive and talented lady, @open_road_living.

There are so many more I'd like to mention but we'd be here forever!

Check out more of Terri’s work here!


Mextures Collective (June 1st-14th)
